Allison Weigle » Supply List

Supply List

In order to help you better prepare for the opening of school in September, the following is a list of suggested items for students attending Ardena Elementary School. These materials are not required, but would be helpful.

*updated on 8/14/2023* 

1.Earbuds/headphones (with wire-No Bluetooth) in a labeled Ziploc bag
2. Drawstring Bag
3. Four Marble Cover composition books (100 sheets)
4. Three plastic two pocket folders
5. One glue stick
6. One box/Crayola Crayons/8
7. 7One pack (#2) pencils
8. Four packs 3 inch square post-it notes
9. One pack Expo dry erase markers
10. One “Expo” dry erase eraser
11. One pair of scissor
12. Two boxes/tissues
13. One package/Clorox wipes
14. Soft-zippered pencil case (3-hole w/grommets)